Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Recruiting (Day 141)

I realized I was several days off on my blogs. Not the blogs, but my labeling. Today we were supposed to have a house meeting but we cancelled it because we were all disorganized and I got to go to Deer Park to almost recruit eighth graders into the AVID program. It was nice to be able to see every single kid in the cafeteria raise their hand asking for a pamphlet and wanting the opportunity to join AVID. Unfortunately, every child in that room will not have the opportunity to join AVID and the several of the ones that do will drop out. Some will make the excuse that AVID is not for them, and leave, but in reality, they were not willing to work hard enough every day. I just hope the ones that do make it into AVID are the ones that realize that they should not take it for granted and that they will succeed and make it into a four-year college.

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