Sunday, February 26, 2012

House meeting (Day 169)

We had a house meeting today and it was really LAME. Legit. There were maybe 15 kids who actually showed up and we had to meet in the hallway. The HALLWAY. Not even in a quiet part, but right in front of the library. We are still in third place and I keep telling the kids that we really need to start earning points and stop losing them for dumb stuff, but the students who always lose the points rarely come to the meetings. And several seniors never come either. I get that its early, but its homeroom and you have a pass! Some kids are like, “well I lost my pass.” Hmmm…sure seems like a personal problem. Maybe you should come and talk to me! Ugh…I am not that scary and I always talk to everyone and I’m really nice. So if you have a problem, come talk to me and maybe we can fix it and move into at least second place! COME TALK TO ME PLEASE!

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