Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yay Free DAY!!! I have absolutely nothing to do today. Except scholarships…and an application to work at either Grove Point or Conowingo Camp. My choice would be Conowingo except they are doing a purging of counselors and starting over. That most likely means I will not be getting a job there because they don’t need interns. I beg to differ. Camp was always the one place I could be myself and get away from all of the negativity of the real world. I was with counselors that were not afraid to embarrass themselves and sing at the top of their lungs or make another child feel better. I always wanted to be that counselor who brought the magic of camp into the light for some unknowing child and I thought I could do that but the Vice President of GSCM isn’t too fond of me. The last year of training to be a wrangler, we saw her for what she really was and she didn’t like that we were running camp. She decided it was time to change traditions and make new ones, even though Conowingo has been running on traditions since it was founded in 1989. I believe I should be given a chance to work at camp because I know the traditions and I know most of the girls who come and they know and trust me. Camp was the place where I grew into who I am today and I want to be there to help another young girl find herself, whether the staff like me or not.

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