Sunday, February 26, 2012

Driving (Day 173)

I spent like 5 hours today driving. L I mean it was fun at first but then it just got really boring and tedious. I had a driving lesson from 3:30-5:30 so I actually had to practice today. Which meant I had to chauffer my mom to whatever errands she decided she needed. And Saturdays are usually errand days. But I felt really prepared for my lesson. The guy was a bit strange though. He kept laughing when I made a mistake or when he criticized something like he thought it was funny. Needless to say I didn’t. And at one point he made me park while he went into Starbucks to get coffee. And left me in the car L but said, “Don’t touch your phone.” I was like umm…ok? Bye? But after that, he was more normal and I actually learned something from him which is good.

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