Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vs Franklin (Day 148)

We played Franklin today. It wasn’t even as easy as I thought it would be because we had to give them a handicap of 44 pins, which means whatever score they get, we have to add 44 pins to that. Which also means that they can technically beat us with a 54 average. That is ridiculous but is fair in allied sports. Our average is like 102 and theirs is a 56. It is really sad because most of the time they are disqualified from playing and have to forfeit because they only have 5 players and they need 6 to be an actual team. Today, they had their extra kid and so we played the game. We still won but it was a fun game and not knowing whether we would win or not also made the outcome even more suspenseful. Deon, Michael, Chris, and Jevon were very happy that we won and it was cool to have pizza with them afterwards. Of course their coach told them that they won. J

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