Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pop Pop (day 145)

Two whole hours of testing. Ugh. But the good thing was that I actually knew what I was doing and I just know I got at least a 500 on both of them. Especially the history part. After the test, I went up to see my Pop Pop in the hospital up in Pennsylvania. The doctors think he had a heart attack, a blood clot in his lung, and pneumonia. But hopefully he will get better and will be out soon. I don’t like seeing him in there. But it was cool to see the entire family in the room. I mean my uncle came up from Mississippi to see him even though my Aunt Kate told everyone to stay home. Nobody listened to her. J It was funny because our entire group took up the small waiting room in the hospital. There was like 10 people there. But it was great to see everyone. This WV keychain was from Mr. Mustipher and Mr. Murray. Recruiting much?

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