Sunday, February 26, 2012

100 (Day 171)

100. That’s a pretty large number. Try finding 100 pieces of information on books you haven’t read in quite awhile. That is where I am right now. I have 60 notecards and I need 40 more. That’s a lot, even for me. I love reading. I do. But I don’t like analyzing things because I think that when you analyze a book, you lose the real purpose of the book. Books, I don’t think are meant to be over analyzed. Sometimes authors write a book because it is about their life or it shows their opinions about something. When you over analyze it, the book loses its real meaning. Take “The Stranger” or “Waiting For Godot” for example. These books have no real analysis because there is no real analysis. I think they were created simply to entertain. That is the real reason for these books. I just saved thousands of kids time. You’re welcome.

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