Sunday, February 19, 2012

Computers! (Day 165)

I have never set up so many computers in one day. It was awesome to be able to work with the other AVID kids to make a huge mess and then clean it up afterwards. Amber, Bonita, and I had a bit of a Styrofoam fight and it was all very fun. We set up like 50 computers and it was fun but that library was TRASHED! J I would hate to be the one to clean up that mess. I wanted to stay and help clean up, but Mr. Carney made us all go back to class, especially since I had to take a Calculus quiz. I actually knew what I was doing on that, though, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. But if anyone wants to give me one of those old computers, I will surely take it. Hint hint Carney…

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