Wednesday, February 8, 2012

AP Chem (Day 143)

So in AP Chemistry, we are learning about how to find the pH of different molarities and the elements that go with them. For example, we had to find the pH of .050 M KOH. That means that p(OH) = -log(.050). That equals 1.3. After that, you subtract the answer from 14 because that is the top of the pH scale and you get 12.3 which is a base. It really isn’t as hard as everyone makes Chemistry seem. I mean you have to be good at math to be able to do some of the calculations, but other than that, it is really simple algebra. Not like Calculus anyway…There is also a formula that looks really complicated but is super simple. It’s like pH= pKa+log[A/HA]. Looks crazy right? Well it’s not J

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