Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Doodle 4 Google (Day 151)

We have to yet another Doodle 4 Google. Like my last two weren’t embarrassing enough. I can’t draw. I just can’t. And this scholarship is all about drawing so I don’t understand why we all get it even though only a handful of kids can draw in the whole class. (Hyperion + Nick) Every year my drawings are bad and I know that I can never get that scholarship because people like Wei and Tiffany just have that talent and I lack it. I have accepted that but Dona still thinks we have a chance at beating them. Even some of the third graders are better than I am at drawing. Drawing is a talent that I always wished that I had. I remember in 5th grade, my friend Kristian tried to teach my how to draw. Needless to say, I was really bad and I think I offended her by destroying her confidence to teach art. Sorry if my Doodle 4 Google is bad this year, but at least I tried.

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