Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Subject Tests (Day 144)

This is my new favorite toy called Cosmojetz. Its this random thing that when you wind it up, it bounces like crazy. So I have done every single blog since September 6th. Just saying. Because I think that is an accomplishment. Anyway, I found out that I have to take 2 SAT subject tests for Princeton tomorrow and I am trying to figure out how I am going to study for the SAT tomorrow. But lucky for me, Mokun and Iyin are also taking them so I will have friends! J But it won’t be that bad I am assuming. I mean I chose US History and Math 1 because I know them. I mean I can do math in my sleep. Especially simple math. And since I am majoring in Archaeology and that has a major base in history and I got As in AP US History last year, I am betting that I can get a good grade tomorrow. History has always intrigued me. Learning about out past and the past of the whole entire world has always been something I enjoy so if I get a bad grade on this test, I am going to be very sad.

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