Wednesday, February 8, 2012

College Knowledge (Day 150)

Happy Groundhog Day! I have 2 things to talk about today. One, is report cards and how equally happy and mad I am about those. The other is the College Knowledge Night at New Town. So report cards…I got 4 As, a B and a C. The C is totally not okay with me. My parents drilled into my brain that Cs are not acceptable, even in an AP class so I have realized that is true. Cs are not going to get me a full ride and definitely not getting me into Princeton. I am most likely not going to get in anyway, but it would be cool. I mean I’m not going there because I can’t afford it, but it would be nice to be able to say that I applied to my reach school and I got in. And the College Knowledge night was kind of boring. I mean I wasn’t interested in any of the schools except for UMBC and Towson and maybe Salisbury. I do realize that tonight wasn’t for the seniors, but for the juniors, but I wish we had something like this last year for us. It would have been a lot more helpful with our college search.

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