Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blogs (Day 147)

I am so far behind on my blogs it isn’t even funny. I mean I always forget to do them until I have free time on the weekends and then I am too lazy to even do them. I haven’t done one in forever and every A day I just pray that my name does not come out of the reaping. It did once and Ericka volunteered for me because she did hers. I mean Jamilla and Tiara never do there’s and it makes me a little angry because Prometheus is always in third, but since I don’t really do mine on time, I can’t really judge them either. It is just hard to find a time every day to write a paragraph and take a picture. My school life isn’t that interesting and I know I would be bored reading my blogs every day. But from now on, I am going to find time everyday to take a picture and write something.

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