Sunday, January 8, 2012

Starting quotes (Day 101)

“Free advice is the kind that costs nothing unless you act upon it.” That is pretty self-explanatory. I don’t know how to dumb that down anymore which is part of the reason I like it. Tomorrow is our National Honor Society Christmas party at Kings Point. We’re going bowling. Have you ever done something fun so many times in a week you no longer think its fun? Yeah, me too. I mean I like bowling but when I have to go 3 times a week already and then another time with someone else, it gets to be a bore. But today was an A day and I love A days. I mean I have Health (easy) then AP Chemistry (easy) then AVID (used to be easy but is kind of fun) then AP Calc (not fun-boring part of day). So it’s all good until like 4th period where I want to just disappear. But that’s too much to ask isn’t it? Ugh. This is my one of my favorite ponies! Monty! J

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