Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dancing in the rain (Day 123)

“Whoever said sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.” So over the summer, my best friends Becky and Hannah, and I danced in the rain. It is one of the best things you can do. It was during a terrible thunderstorm in the middle of West Virginia at a random state park with a counselor from Wales (Dragon) and another counselor, Hawk, one of the best counselors I have ever met. It was an awesome experience and made better by the fact that it was one of the last times we will ever do that. Hannah is a year younger than Becky and I and when we are counselors next year, she won’t be. So if anyone ever has the opportunity to dance in the rain, I would totally encourage them to go for it. Song: I hope you dance-LeAnn Womack

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