Sunday, January 8, 2012

NHS party (Day 102)

“Opportunities are found by those who look for them. The bee has a sting but honey too…so look at every negative and make a positive out of it.” I added this one because I feel like it is something that I need to work on. I have two teachers that I think negatively of and this isn’t good because it makes the work that I do in their classes bad and not to the best of my ability. I have an opportunity to do well and get As in their classes but I have to look for them and work towards them. Anyway, I had the NHS Christmas party today and it was fun. My secret buddy wasn’t there but Ms. Upshur-Dudley had me and she got me a coffee mug and pink ear phones. Which is awesome because two of my favorite things are coffee and music. I bowled a 112 and a 106. Which isn’t too bad but I wanted higher.

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