Sunday, January 8, 2012

100 days (Day 100)

I have officially been blogging for 100 days. That’s exciting I guess. Well what happened today? Let’s see…I went bowling with the CALS kids which is always fun because something funny or new happens every day. I feel like I am always in for a surprise and its quite entertaining getting to know them and what they like. Anyway, Mr. Hopkins has begun assigning homework because like 5 people dropped out of calculus with a bad grade and now the rest of us need to pass. I need a B. So that means I have to start doing all of the homework and studying before tests which is going to be hard because I have so many other things going on right now. I am going to start having a quote-of-the-day that I will add to my blogs and maybe discuss what it means to me. So here goes a tradition. “More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.” Dust off those cobwebs and use all of those great ideas that all of you have and begin making something of them.

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