Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Friday the 13th (Day 130)

Happy Friday the 13th everybody! I hope nobody does anything stupid today or has any major superstition. I don’t. I mean I don’t drop salt because of my OCD problem and I don’t walk under ladders because I am never around any ladders. But still. And I don’t really like cats so I am not around any black ones. But I don’t really know any other superstitions. I also do not go to see scary movies because I don’t like the idea of not being in control of the situation. I always feel like screaming at the poor blonde girl “don’t open that door!” or “turn around!” but unfortunately they never hear me and they always die first. Followed shortly by the one minority in the group as the killer picks off the most vulnerable until there is only one person left when the audience finds out they were somehow involved with the murderer. That is my synopsis of a horror movie and why I don’t leave my house. J

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