Sunday, January 8, 2012

Homework (Day 122)

“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.” Ugh. I am such a procrastinator that it isn’t even funny. I think everyone is but I am the biggest one. We learned what a sonnet was in English and I was surprised nobody really knew what it meant. But Ms. Banister rushed through it and then gave us our simple homework and that was that. It’s very simple. I mean maybe that’s because I like and understand English. Well I used to like English. Then came Mr. Avara. But then I got to Carney’s class and he made me enjoy it again. And once again, I really don’t like it this year. But I have to just suck it up and deal with it because some things aren’t going to change and I need to be prepared for the real world. I mean we can’t have teachers like Ms. Dauka and Mr. Carney all of our lives. Unfortunately. Song of the day: Breathe (2 am)-Anna Nalick.

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