Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family (Day 104)

“The man who chases two rabbits catches none.” This is important because we can only focus on a couple things at a time. If we put all of our energy into 5 things, none of them will be done well and we are all out of energy. So today, my family went to New Jersey to have lunch with my mom’s side of the family. It was nice because I got to see my Uncle Mike, Aunt Beth, Ben and Dan, Jen, Uncle Jack, and the dogs Rocky and Magic. It was nice to see everyone and watch football with them but unfortunately Aunt Amanda wasn’t there. She is funny and always makes gatherings more fun. It was a good day and we got to see Jen before she goes back up to New Hampshire for training. She goes there for college but has to be up their earlier because she is on the gymnastics team.

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