Sunday, January 8, 2012

Comcast (Day 98)

So I don’t think I ever said that I finished my Comcast scholarship for New Town. Oh wait…looking back, I did say I finished it. Which is why I was absent. But I had a note that said I was sick…but I think since I am a pretty good child, that nobody really cares that I am absent nor do they think that I was out being bad. Because I wasn’t. And nothing really happened today. It was one of those boring school days right before Christmas where the students can’t wait until break and the teachers give meaningless work to keep the students busy while secretly planning their breaks. I have a list of schools to apply to so far but I am not sure that I am actually going to apply to them. I mean why apply when you know you aren’t going to get in? But I am definitely applying to St. Mary’s, Towson, UMBC, Drexel, and Princeton. My parents want me to apply to Harvard and Yale. L and I am probably not even going to apply to Fairleigh Dickinson and Salisbury because I can’t even remember why I had those written in the first place…

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