Sunday, January 8, 2012

Prometheus (Day 99)

So we had another house meeting today and I just want to say that I am really disappointed in Prometheus. I don’t understand why we only had like 7 kids show up and then at like 9:20, 5 more rolled in. That isn’t ok. I have been getting really frustrated also because it seems that Ericka and I are the only ones willing to run the meetings. None of the other seniors ever want to talk in front of them and several seniors never show up. I have asked them to come and even sent out texts the morning of the meetings but still they “forget”. It also doesn’t work when we have a senior who comes to school second period. I think for Prometheus to really have a chance at winning the house cup that they all need to stop being so shy and step up and be leaders. I think that is why Dona created this thing: partly because she didn’t want to be in charge of it alone and she has stuff going on, but also because we are going to college and we need to be leaders. I don’t know if I really like this idea of houses anymore either because it seems that we aren’t a family anymore and Atlas has become arrogant and obnoxious. We’ll see their faces when we win and they are stuck with all their arrogance and no trophy.

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