Saturday, November 5, 2011

Beatles (Day 55)

So I don’t have anything to blog about so I’m just going to write about nothing. Here goes. Today is October 30, and it’s my friend, Erin’s (we call her Beatles) birthday. I met her at camp when I was like 12 and she was 13 and then again during the summer of 2010 for a counselor-in-training (CIT/WIT) session for 2 weeks. We became friends and have been close ever since. This past summer, she was a counselor at the camp (well an intern) which gave her more power over us. Of course she didn’t use it against us because we were all so close. Her camp name is Beatles because in like 2008, we were all playing red rover with our favorite counselor, Pinky at that time and she forgot Erin’s real name, but she was wearing a Beatles shirt, and thus Pinky dubbed her Beatles. Even though Pinky is no longer with us at camp, the name lives on. And of course we promise to always come to camp, no matter the circumstances and keep our camp names.

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