Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kennedy's party (Day 74)

Kennedy’s party was today. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings which was amazing of course. Kennedy even made me eat fried pickles which were extremely weird. Then Kennedy, Angela, and I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 at like 10:45 at night. It was amazing. The theater was packed; literally there were no seats available. We wanted to see it at 10 but that was sold out so we waited in line and did something I call ‘people watching’ which involves…watching people. I almost forgot how much I love Twilight. The director really made this movie just like the book. Besides an additional werewolf/vampire fight after Bella ‘died’, it was pretty much the exact same, which was nice. Renesmee was just as adorable as described in the book, Edward as hot, and Jacob as…well…Jacob. J

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