Sunday, November 13, 2011

11-11-11 (Day 67)

Its 11-11-11. That isn’t going to happen again for a very long time. Like 2111. Next year it will be 12-12-12. But that isn’t as cool. We had a National Honor Society meeting today where we talked about what we are going to do for the next couple months or so. I am the Chair for the soup kitchen committee, meaning I have to find a place, time, and contact information so we can all go help out at the soup kitchen. Then we have the thanksgiving potluck and the Christmas party at the bowling alley. Mr. Hopkins also wants to go skiing so I have to be in charge of that also because apparently I am the only one who has ever been skiing and he wants to go to Liberty, where I have also been. So it’s going to be a very busy year for us and hopefully we can do everything Morin and Mr. Hopkins want to get accomplished.

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