Saturday, November 26, 2011

Early thanksgiving (Day 76)

Only 36 days until Christmas but my family is already watching all of the Christmas movies there are to watch. Today we watched Once Upon a Christmas and Twice Upon a Christmas. They are my 2 favorite Christmas movies because Kathy Ireland plays Kristen Clause. We also had a Thanksgiving meal today. Not turkey or anything, but we had ham, sweet potatoes (yuck), squash, bread, green beans, mashed potatoes, and corn. And of course pumpkin pie for dessert. Right now I’m watching the Ravens/Bengals game. It’s 4th quarter with 2:39 left and the ravens are up 31-24. I’m not going to get too excited though because last time we were up like this they lost in the last 5 minutes. I’m still not sure how, but they always manage to forget how to win. Always. Just like the Eagles. I’ve decided they are no longer the team I should root for. So go Ravens. And we just won. So that’s great.  

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