Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Bday Kennedy! (Day 73)

Since it's Kennedy's bday and I know she likes Glee, here goes a Glee pic.Happy birthday Kennedy! Happy 17th! We also got report cards today. I just want to know how people got Es on their report card. Legit. Mr. Hopkins showed us a report card (name withheld) that had 5 Es and like 2 Ds and a C. I don’t even know what would happen if I brought those grades home. I think my parents would tell me to find a place of my own somewhere else. Then they would hang themselves thinking about what they had done wrong. I have yet to bring a C home on a report card. I know I would be punished if I did. Even a C. My parents always say that they know I am way more intelligent than a C. A C to them shows that I did not work to the best of my ability. I would be disappointed in myself I got a C. I like As. Better than I like Bs. But a C would mean the end to my dream of going to a good college on a full tuition, room, and board. So no Cs for me.

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