Saturday, November 5, 2011

Perryville (Day 57)

So we totally lost to Perryville in our last playoff game. Like totally. A blowout. 0-6. It was kind of bittersweet. I mean part of me was glad to be able to finally say the season was over and not have to dread practice every day, but part of me was sad to say goodbye to the girls that I had spent 3 hours a day, 6 days a week with, for 2 months. We were together in the cold, and the hot, through rain and sunny days, through hills and figure eights, and through the obnoxious shooting drills our coach came up with. I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud of the soccer team in my life. We made history, being the first team in New Town history soccer to make it to the playoffs, with a team mostly made up of freshman and sophomores. We started the season off as underdogs, with 0-2 and came back at the end of the season 6-4 and 5-3 in our division. We worked our butts of the entire season, and unfortunately lost many with injuries, attitude, and people quitting. So I wore my cleats, my uniform, and my captain pin for the last time. I emptied my locker for the last time, and I said goodbye to the soccer field and my position as captain and sweeper for the last time. I will definitely come back for their games next year, as I had promised them. Thanks for an amazing season Lady Titans!

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