Saturday, November 26, 2011

Prometheus (Day 71)

So Prometheus had our house meeting today. I think that we really need to get more organized because people were talking loudly and one of the girls didn’t even know what house points were or what we would win of we won the house cup. So clearly they are not well educated on winning. And another thing! Why do we, Prometheus, have people losing more than a hundred points for our house? John Battle. Yes I am calling him out because he has lost the most, but he is not the only one. We still have people losing points over grades, being disrespectful, and lying to Dona. How do you even lose 100 points? It seems the rest of Prometheus is trying really hard to win the contest and we still have a couple of kids erasing all of the work that we do. If we want to win this then we have to all work as a team.

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