Sunday, November 13, 2011

TGIM (Day 63)

TGIM! I can’t say that I look forward to Mondays, but I mean it definitely isn’t as bad as everyone makes it seem. ET is right in his talks though. I heard 5 important things today in his video. Number 1: see your job as a blessing because not everyone has a job in America and they would love to have a job someone else does not want. Number 2: A negative times a negative is a positive only in math. Which is true. If you react to a negative situation negatively, it does not make it better. Number 3: Stop acting like a child. Enough said…Number 4: Instead of looking for a blessing, be a blessing. So instead of waiting for someone else to take charge of something, for example, you should take charge yourself. And lastly, number 5: Be the change you want to see in the world. If you want something to be different, be different yourself. Change it on your own.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I didn't like ET's points. I thought of them as regular points you can use everyday JUST not on Mondays.
