Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hey seniors! (Day 59)

Haha...funny picture.
Hey seniors!!! We totally won that powder puff game fair and square, but the juniors were so mad! It was hilarious because they were like “they cheated!” except if they didn’t tie their flags on, there would be no reason to tackle. It’s very simple. But I mean I feel like that’s how we sounded when we lost last year. We were angry and looked to excuse our loss. Whatever, we still won. And we won the obstacle course today at the Pep Rally. Once again, I didn’t understand why the Titanettes danced the way they did, and I wasn’t really impressed, but I was really surprised at how good our cheerleaders and the dance team was. They were really good. I felt the pep rally was kind of lame, also. There wasn’t any one particular thing that stood out to me, which was disappointing.

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