Sunday, November 13, 2011

Free day (Day 62)

Today I went to church at like 8:30. That’s early to me. But luckily the service is only 45 minutes, so we are out by 9:15. Then we got to go to Dunkin Donuts J and I got my iced coffee. I got a free day today which was great because I didn’t have to do anything. So I didn’t. I sat and watched TV and read a book and even took a nap. I really enjoy those days where I don’t have to do anything because I can just relax and I don’t have to worry about catching up on blogs or anything like that. I did so much cleaning and working the day before (so did my whole family) that it was nice to just sit and enjoy the clean house and think about what I’m getting everyone for Christmas. Overall, it was a really great lazy day but unfortunately they don’t happen very often so I should enjoy it while it lasts.

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