Sunday, November 13, 2011

Betty's house (Day 68)

My dad, mom, and I all went to my sister’s apartment today to help her hang things on the wall and mount her TV. It was fun. Her boyfriend, Nick was there and we mostly played with her 2 cats, Quervo and Romeo (she calls Biggie). We spent the whole day there helping her and I really had fun. She lives in College Park Maryland. So I took 2 videos. One of Quervo chasing the laser because that’s what cats do. Nick felt bad because Quervo really thought he was going to get it this time. But it’s not tangible. So it wasn’t going to happen. And the other was a video of Biggie drinking out of Betty’s McDonald’s cup. Legit drinking. J Anyway, since we got home at like 10, I have to do tons of stuff tomorrow that I wasn’t able to accomplish today. Oh well.

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