Saturday, October 29, 2011

Running Catch-up (Day 54)

So I just had to catch up on like 15 blogs. Because I had been too lazy to actually do them when it’s required. I have a lot of things to do today. Let’s see…I have to vacuum, play the flute for an hour, finish my blogs, read up to circle 8 in the Inferno, do my laundry, clean my room, change my sheets, and write a college essay. So far, I will have finished my blogs. Ugh, I hate Saturday chore. But at least it’s snowing! Well it was anyway, it’s all rain now. I like being inside on snow days. I mean I like snow, but only when I don’t have to be in it outside. I like being warm when it’s cold outside. It reminds me of Christmas. Except there isn’t enough snow to actually have to shovel. Thankfully.

1 comment:

  1. LIZzZ this sounds EXACTLY like my Saturday list. DO not remind me about the INFERNO that Ms. Banister gave us to read-__- lol but I know how you feel. Its not like I dont want to do the blogs but its hard to find time to do them. It kinda irritates me but oh well and YES I thought that people were wrong with the forecast but it really did rAin and feel like Christmas ;)
