Friday, October 7, 2011

Milford Mill (Day 30)

Yesterday, we beat Milford Mill 10-0. Ten. To zero. Pretty bad, even for Milford. But they were as rough as usual-knocking us down, kicking ankles, and pushing. One of our beloved freshmen, Marianna, was pushed into another girl and fell down hard. She got “severe whiplash” and was taken to the hospital via ambulance. She can’t play until next week. This was the second ambulance that has come to our game with Milford (maybe Randallstown?), the last being after Chelsea collided with a girl last year and breaking her PCL, ACL, and tearing her meniscus. But we still won without a single goal being scored. By the way, we got our Calculus tests back today and thankfully I got a 94%. And with the 9 extra credit points, I got a 103%. Which is much better than the previous 68%. And instead of a C in the class, which was on the interim, I now have a B.

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