Friday, October 7, 2011

Study? (Day 31)

I flipped through my 4 AP books and realized that I should start studying now. But then I realized that I have to write college essays, make a list of extra-curricular activities for letters of recommendation, and start filling out applications. Not to mention the homework for each of my AP classes and these blogs for AVID. When May comes, it’ll hopefully be all worth it and I will have a full ride to SOMEWHERE. I don’t really care where at this point. I would like to be at St. Mary’s, but I will go anywhere. In other news, we lost today to Carver 3-4. Trapp didn’t even put me in second half. I’m not sure why. But I think we could have won. They lost to Parkville in overtime 3-4. And we beat Parkville 4-3. So logically…we should have won. Oh well…anyway, I’m off to play Christmas music because it is way better than thinking about the loss we can do nothing about.

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