Sunday, October 2, 2011

Parkville Game (Day 25)

Today we had a game against Parkville, which is somewhere near Overlea. It was a good game I thought, and we won 4-3. One of the girls on my team, Destiny, got a yellow card for elbowing. But it was all good because the other girl was fine after getting up slowly. Oh and Trapp wasn’t there because he is in Indiana. So it was just Sorgho. And Mr. Mustipher and Mr. Waters randomly came. So it was good that we actually won. Now our record is 3-2, which is better than it has been in a really long time. It’s quite sad. But if we win 2 more games than we can go to a special tournament when the season is over. And we still have Milford Mill and Woodlawn to go. I took a picture of this toy because I found it in the grass on the way back to the bus. I think it’s a Pokemon. But I don’t know. It just looks cool.

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