Sunday, October 2, 2011

Interim (Day 26)

My interim is ok, I guess. There are 4 A’s, a B, and a C. There shouldn’t be a C. I was very disappointed because I have never gotten a C in math. I do hate it, but people say I am good at it and I usually understand it. But AP Calculus is quite challenging, which means I actually have to study. Which I don’t do. So that means I probably should. But what can I say? I procrastinate like nobody’s business. Anyway, I am really happy that I have an A in AP Human Geography and AP Chemistry. Those classes are my easier classes because I actually like Chemistry and History. They come easy to me. So all in all, I have to work on my Calculus grade and my AP English grade. My goal this year is, for 1 quarter, to have all A’s. More, if I can, but I need at least one quarter to prove I am not slacking my senior year.

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