Saturday, October 29, 2011

House meeting (Day 50)

Today we had our first Prometheus house meeting. It went pretty well, even though 3 of our 7 house members weren’t there. I kind of took charge, because the other seniors were quiet, and Erica wasn’t there and she had the list of things to talk about. I just told them about how to gain and how to not lose points, about the importance of their grades, and what field trips they would want to go on that would involve our house traits. Mr. O’Connor introduced himself, and then I told the underclassman that they could come and find one of us if they ever needed something or if they were having trouble in one of their classes. Overall I think that it went pretty well, and next time we should probably break into smaller groups and discuss their classes and what they want to do at the meetings, and out of the meetings.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting meeting, however i think we did pretty well leading our first meeting. I agree with you about breaking out into groups though, i think this will make things easier
