Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 15- April 21

We had 3 games this week. Monday, against Milford where we spent almost 5 hours there. Wednesday against Loch Raven where we were rained out but had to wait on the bus because of the baseball team and the fact that they still had to play. It eventually got called early after Shawheem’s bat flew out of his hand because of the rain. And on Friday, we played Dundalk. Well the boys did. They didn’t have any girl’s teams so I automatically wonJ. Which means I am like 2-3. Which is ok. If I win 50% of my games, I can go to counties. I spent a large portion of the week studying calculus because that is the only AP class where I feel I have a chance of scoring higher. I already know AP Human Geo, and maybe have a chance at doing well on the AP English Lit one, but the AP Chem one is going to kill me. And I got report cards, which is good. I had 4 As and 2 Bs. Which means my GPA right now is a 3.67 and my QPA is a 5.46. Which is extremely high. And lastly, I got a new phone J

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