Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pi Day (Day 192)

Happy Pi Day everyone! I don’t think anyone actually celebrates this day, but maybe it’s like a math teacher’s favorite day of the year. I’m sure at 1:59:62.5 (haha…(3.14)159625), people across America are celebrating (not). I mean lots of places sell pies…because that’s hilarious. Selling pie on pi day. Hm…Who would have thought? I really have nothing else to say. I mean, we have a march madness packet due the day we come back from spring break and a rubric for a fake interview in English, and mock interviews are in like a week. So I have to finish my resume. Maybe I should be doing that now. Oh. This week I have to focus on being prepared for…well life. I’m never prepared. And when I am I will bet it’s probably by accident. Oh and we have a clone project for English -_- which I have to since it’s just me and Ericka. I will not be doing the creative part…because that’s not me. I will do the write up and the spoken part, while I will let Ericka do the visual. She’s better at that anyway…

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