Sunday, April 22, 2012

OCEAN CITY (Day 201)

I headed out to Ocean City today with my youth group for an Impact conference. I love road trips! I went with Mr. Hank, Mrs. Diane, Julie, Brandon, Nhi, Hai Dung, Anh (Jessie), Thang, Logan, Steve, and me! It’s like a 3 hour car ride so we spent the time playing cards, singing songs, making fun of each other, and then the Asians started teaching us how to speak Vietnamese. Un daip jai waa! I think that means something like, ‘he is very handsome’ but they could have been insulting my mother for all I knew J I really want to get closer to God. I don’t want this to be a religious blog because nobody in AVID would read it (not that they do anyway) but I feel like I have been so disconnected to God in the past year and that is why I have been so stressed. I’ve been trying to do it on my own. I am ready to be with God this weekend. Oh. And HAVE FUN IN OCEAN CITY!!!!

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