Sunday, April 22, 2012

OC (Day 196)

I went to JAM tonight and we talked about next weekend’s trip to Ocean City! I’m really excited even though Kelsey isn’t going. She was supposed to come but I think she has a lot of homework. Well it’s okay because Nhi and Julie will be there and so will Logan, Anh, Brandon, Steven, and Thang. It’s going to be fun especially the car ride up and back. We are going on a mission trip this summer to Vermont which is like a 10 hour car ride and they are the best! We get to bond because it is the last mission trip ever for me before I go to college. And Julie and I have gone on every single one since we were 11 (except I didn’t go on the one last year because I had camp). Our first one was in Pennsylvania at Eastern University and I remember that was the year everyone went including these girls Julie and I roomed with, Melissa and Shannon. Shannon just got pregnant and dropped out of college and I think Melissa is having her second baby even though she’s like 19 and gave the first one up for adoption. It’s sad because I remember when they were like 13 and 14 and hung out with Julie and I.

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