Sunday, April 22, 2012

Leaving OC (Day 203)

We got back from Ocean City today around 11:30 and then my mom and dad decided it was the day to drive up to Pennsylvania with me working on my research paper in the back. I was so tired from getting like 5 hours of sleep a night and then I had to stare at a computer screen for an hour and a half both ways. And while I was there I worked on it too. Mom said that I could come as long as I worked the entire time. The food was good but I had to work for most of the time that we had been up there. And I have to go to school tomorrow. -__- I am really tired so I am going to bed as soon as I finish my research paper rough draft that is due tomorrow. Mine is like 9 pages and I haven’t done the bibliography yet. And I have a random cover page. It’s cool though because I know a lot of other people have yet to do theirs and mine is pretty good if I do say so myself.

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