Sunday, April 22, 2012

More days... (Day 215)

I am officially obsessed (well kind of) with the real housewives of Atlanta. I really like the women and they are crazy. So we went shopping at Giant and bought a lot. I mean I can’t complain because part of it is my stuff, but hey. Sometimes I feel like we spend more time in stores than at home. My mom is a volunteer shopper for BCDSS so we have to buy a crib for this one family, and diapers, wipes, and a car seat for another. I like these trips because I can see all of the adorable baby stuff that I don’t ever remember having and won’t buy for MANY years. My mom always buys the cutest things that always end up being the cheapest. I like helping families, even though I don’t really do much other than go with her and help deliver the things.

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