Sunday, April 22, 2012

JA (Day 208)

Those kindergarteners were so adorable! We got to read them stories about earning and saving and they actually paid attention and I think they learned. There was this one boy, Tobias, who was constantly talking and not following directions, but everything went well. I think that I can teach these kinds of kids and I wouldn’t mind getting up every day to teach. I think I would do either first or second grade though because some kindergarteners don’t know how to use the bathroom by themselves yet. Plus, I don’t like the tantrums that they would throw. I mean they are cute, but I don’t think I could get up all day and teach them. We had a game today and I won J 6-0, 6-2. It was fun being able to stay after school and have a pizza party with the team. But I couldn’t find Ms. Banister to get my paper back.

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