Sunday, April 22, 2012

First game (Day 200)

200 whole days of blogging! Only 165 to go! We had our (well my first) tennis match today against Pikesville. They had one yesterday, but I couldn’t go because I had a doctor’s appointment. I lost today too. Like a lot. She was good. But it was cool because she was nice and we were talking about tennis and stuff. And I learned a lot. I had some really good shots on her too. Like one that sailed right over the net and in the corner of the singles line right up front. She couldn’t have gotten that if she tried…which she didn’t. I guess I could say it was a learning experience. I mean I have to learn how to run her around the court if I want to win…to tire them out. I do that to Nick all the time J but that’s all in good fun. During the games I have to that as well. Stop being so nice as Coach Trapp would say…

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