Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday in OC (Day 202)

Great speakers at this event! Her name is Tiffany Thompson and she has gone through a lot in her life. She was so open and honest with us. She did a demonstration with 2 cups, water, and chemicals. She said the small amount of water in the cup represented our lives. Then she took the chemicals she called ‘poison’ and put like 5 drops in-one for lying, cheating, having unclean thoughts, for disrespect…etc. The water turned deep red. Then she took the other water in the other cup and poured some in for being honest, mending a relationship, having dignity, praying…etc. The water was still red. She explained how nothing we can do will make up for our sins. Only God can. And she put one drop of this other stuff (probably chemicals) and it turned clear again. God died for our sins and he is the only one who can save us. She also explained the ladder thing. It’s like other religions; even Christians believe we are better than non-believers. We try to get closer to God thinking it will get us to heaven (higher on the ladder). But in reality, God loves us all equally. He said in the bible that that those who wish to first must be last. I understood that and it really hit me because sometimes I believe believers are better than those who don’t. But we are all the same in God’s eyes. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. <3

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