Sunday, April 22, 2012

Towson (Day 205)

I think I have finally decided on Towson University. I have visited the campus a couple times. Two were for model UN with Mr. Marshand and I think I’ve been several other times for different reasons. It’s a really pretty campus and isn’t too far from home which is good because I won’t have a car. But since it’s in like a city, I can just walk everywhere. I’m not that lazy. I’m majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Anthropology. St. Mary’s is still my top school but I haven’t heard anything about scholarships yet which is annoying because I really want to go there. It is my dream school but I would have to pay like $21,500 out of pocket because I get a $5,500 unsubsidized loan. Not enough to get me to St. Mary’s, but Towson would only be like $11,500.

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