Sunday, April 22, 2012

Senior Skip Day (Day 194)

Senior Skip Day! I of course didn’t skip because I had to present my project. Of course Ericka didn’t show up…so we lost some points because she didn’t have the visual part and didn’t email it to Ms. Banister. But in first period, we just went to the library and did work (not)… and then we had to take a test second period (AP Chemistry-there were only 3 of us and she still made us take a test) and then in English there were 6 of us so we presented out projects and then Ms. Banister bought us lunch. Which was really sweet of her. So we listened to music and ate. Then we went to Calculus where Mr. Hopkins said he didn’t want to see any seniors, so we left and went to the library. Whatever. I didn’t want to do any math either… Then we had a NHS meeting where we discussed ways to raise more money when we do Pennies for Patients.

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